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FITNE Herbal Tea Green Tea Flavored Protection Status

Product Details:

Green Tea flavored tea infusion from Fitne contains 100% natural herbal extracts with benefits. The divisible combination of ingredients between Senna leaves, pods, and Green Tea leaves for purifying the body and increasing antioxidants in the body system.

  • 100% made from natural herbs
  • Purify your body by leasing unwanted fat and toxic
  • Drink every day before bedtime; wake up in a new body shape!
  • Double-Chamber Tea bag for quicker and more effective diffusion
  • Green Tea flavored, The combination of ingredients between Senna leaves and pods and Green Tea leaves for purifying the body and increasing antioxidants in the body system

Key Ingredients:

  • 100 g (2.35 g. each bag of powder) contains
  • Senna leaves 67.32 g
  • Senna pods 21.28 g
  • Use Green tea leaves as a taste enhancer and Garcinia atroviridis as a sour enhancer.
  • Use lemon and honey flavors (identical natural flavors).

Indications: Laxative

Directions: Drop one bag in a cup of boiling water, and leave for 10-20 minutes. Drink before bedtime when constipation.

Content: 15 Sachets